The Importance of Having a Web Health Check

It’s not enough to enlist a bespoke website design expert and hope for the best, as there’s a lot of competition out there. If you want your website to rank well on search engines, whilst also providing a flawless online experience to users, you need to have a web health check carried out. 

What is a Web Health Check?

A web health check is a detailed look at your website’s performance, functionality and overall health. It takes a look at various aspects of your website to identify potential issues and areas for improvement. It looks at the way that the website is performing, such as its loading speed and response time, and if it’s optimised for SEO. It looks at keyword optimisation, meta tags, meta descriptions and international linking. A web health check also looks at how safe and secure the website is, the user experience and the quality of the content. Things such as security threats, poor navigation, a lack of mobile responsiveness, broken links and duplicate content will be flagged as needing to be improved.

Why is a Web Health Check Important?

When you have invested money into an ecommerce website design, you will want that website to work as well as possible. If there’s a problem, you’ll want it fixed quickly, and that’s what a web health check will highlight.

  • Performance – A web health check looks at the performance and speed of a website. It can find elements that are slowing down your website – such as overly large images, inefficient code or problems with the server – giving you the chance to make improvements. 
  • Maintenance – The cost of maintaining a website can quickly add up, especially if you are faced with a large and expensive problem to solve. But, regular web health checks can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems, which can save you time and money in the long run. 
  • Security – A web health check will identify potential security vulnerabilities, and recommend ways that you can protect your website from threats. This includes hacking, malware and data breaches. If you’re not made aware of these vulnerabilities, you could find yourself with a problem further down the line, such as stolen personal information.
  • UX – User experience, sometimes referred to as UX, is key if you want to engage website visitors and convert them into paying customers. A web health check evaluates the usability and accessibility of your site, ensuring that it’s easy to use, visually appealing and mobile-friendly. It’ll highlight anything that needs to be done to make the experience better for website visitors.
  • SEO – We can all agree that affordable SEO is a key part of website success, but a web health check can enhance that even further. It will ensure that your site is optimised for search engines, improving your chances of ranking higher in search results. This includes optimising keywords, meta tags and ensuring that the website is structured in a way that search engines like.

A lot of people make the mistake of underestimating the importance of a web health check. But, it’s an effective way of finding issues with your website, giving you the chance to make necessary improvements, many of which you might have otherwise overlooked.