Lesser-Known Things To Consider When Choosing Your WordPress Host

Choosing a WordPress host seems very simple since literally all hosting providers these days offer something like this. It is very easy to be tempted by the price and sales promos but you should never hurry this choice. You have to opt for high quality KnownHost WordPress hosting or similar. To help you make the best possible choice, here are some things to consider that few people talk about and that are very important. 


You have to be ready for the worst-case scenario and for most websites, the truth is they will experience serious technical problems from time to time. And there are always cyberattacks that might affect you. This is why it is so important to have access to backups. The best hosting providers give you access to several backups.  

As a rule of thumb, if your site is often updated, you need daily updates, maybe even several updates per day. If your site is not updated that often, you most likely only need weekly backups. Also, easy access to backups should be provided. Most quality hosts allow you to use the backup files with just a few clicks. 

Upgrade Opportunities

When you launch a site, you want it to grow and eventually get more traffic. As a site needs more traffic, the hosting has to perform more. You basically need more server resources. This is why you want to make sure that the provider offers easily upgradable options when you subscribe. 

As an example, you might start with a simple shared hosting package and then want to change to a dedicated server or a virtual private server. You want this process to happen as easily as possible, like with one-click imports or with the dedicated help of a staff member. 

Plugins Compatibility

This is one factor that few people think about when they choose their WordPress hosting package and it is normal since many site owners do not have the necessary technical knowledge to understand finer problems that might appear. There are always requirements for the plugins you will use. And some hosting providers straight up ban some plugins. 

Control Panel Access

After becoming the owner of a website, you gradually start learning more and more about hosting. Eventually, you will have to learn how to install a CMS, how to add new plugins, and more. Access to a good control panel makes such tasks a lot easier. 

The good news is most hosting providers these days offer access to very easy to use control panels. However, this is not true for all of them. So do learn as much as you can about what backend access is available to be better prepared for the future. 

On the whole, choosing your WordPress hosting package can be quite difficult if you do not know much about server technology. The good news is you can find all the information you need about practically anything you want to learn more about on the internet. Inform yourself and you will surely make a very good choice.